April 12, 2012


Look out!

What manner of fictitious nightmare are these abominations? To make the question a little less blood covered and brain hungry, let's assume the fictional nature of narratives creates a safer, more comfortable, more familiar environment. Like barring the doors to escape the horde, this fiction lets one take reprieve. Where one would otherwise be forced to face the lock-jawed living-dead with weapons at the ready, they can now interpret their surroundings with a little less conflict.

I find it ingenious. The full breadth of a situation is a great thing to bear. Death, disease, violence, poverty, justice, sex, hunger, emotion, or any other part of the human condition is profound enough to break through one's flimsy feel of the world and come shambling after them for a bite. They might put down a corpse or two with guns of denial or katanas of contradiction, thinning the blistering brood but, eventually, reality comes to confront them in some damnable broken staircase or collapsed corridor leaving no opportunity to evade it's ravenous teeth of realization.

Their blood rushes away as unadulterated terror wrings their spine. They brandish their ignorance with murderous desperation. These former flesh-fellows will not take their misunderstanding without a fight. The bullets and blades wound only the air as the indifferent undead trudge to their harrowing conclusion. Noshed, they are undone.

Now, they know.

April 10, 2012


Upon what does democracy depend?
What is the significance of a vote?
How can we make our world better?

These were the types of questions I explored with my local politicians amidst their rabble-rousing election campaigns. The juxtaposition was stark as they're in the middle of 'full-pander' operations. For them, ideology and rhetoric are difficult to abandon in favor of earnest conversation and pragmatism when it comes to policy and legislation. Apparently, it's not enough to reasonably address the issues of the day. There are requirements of division and vitriol.

I'm not sure which is the greater tragedy: the enduring politician, corrupted by this crucible of cruelty, or the public, faithfully following the rhetoric and propaganda.

All this modern civics seems a disheartening thing... but I will persist. If not for the sake of my community, then for the sake of my own sanity.

Hopefully, I can save both.

April 5, 2012


Nurturing creativity is... particular.

Understanding creative impediments and facilitators well enough to repurpose people from the dark and dreary mind-scapes in which they've found themselves lost towards the awesome and fantastic vistas of perspective that instill contagious inspiration is no small bit of learning.

Harsh words are death knells. What frustrations leek out are reconstituted into anger and shame. Anger, like some ephemeral hell-flower, seeds contempt and unacceptance. Shame, rooted deeply in the ground of identity, is kept healthy by fear.

Creativity, innovation, and novel thinking are smote by such culling perspectives. To create something authentic, to fashion some part of oneself into being, is an act of courage. One makes whole their vulnerability with the world as witness.

It's that brutal honesty, through which I pursue love, as I don't figure unconditional acceptance can be realized before unconditional honesty. If I'm not truly myself, I truly don't know love.