April 10, 2012


Upon what does democracy depend?
What is the significance of a vote?
How can we make our world better?

These were the types of questions I explored with my local politicians amidst their rabble-rousing election campaigns. The juxtaposition was stark as they're in the middle of 'full-pander' operations. For them, ideology and rhetoric are difficult to abandon in favor of earnest conversation and pragmatism when it comes to policy and legislation. Apparently, it's not enough to reasonably address the issues of the day. There are requirements of division and vitriol.

I'm not sure which is the greater tragedy: the enduring politician, corrupted by this crucible of cruelty, or the public, faithfully following the rhetoric and propaganda.

All this modern civics seems a disheartening thing... but I will persist. If not for the sake of my community, then for the sake of my own sanity.

Hopefully, I can save both.

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